Landlords face some forthcoming uncomfortable choices on maximising income under welfare reform.
Not wanting to be associated with a mass use of county courts, while rent arrears debt is certain to be the first and highest debt on the insolvency claim route.
In many respects it will come down to whether the landlord wants the money or the tenancy.
Barry Marlow poses the uncomfortable question in this article. Might it be better and cheaper to leave the tenants where they are and just collect the rent?
Not wanting to be associated with a mass use of county courts, while rent arrears debt is certain to be the first and highest debt on the insolvency claim route.
In many respects it will come down to whether the landlord wants the money or the tenancy.
Barry Marlow poses the uncomfortable question in this article. Might it be better and cheaper to leave the tenants where they are and just collect the rent?