This year's CIH Housing Conference in Manchester had a packed agenda with some potentiallly great sessions to pick up fresh ideas and share experiences from.
Here we shared some of the key questions and suggestions we've made over the course of the past year in articles on our website, Guardian Housing and 24.dash.com which might oil the cogs of your housing mind .
Here we shared some of the key questions and suggestions we've made over the course of the past year in articles on our website, Guardian Housing and 24.dash.com which might oil the cogs of your housing mind .
Delivering Value for Money
How can housing organisations achieve the utlimate balance between economy, efficiency and effectiveness and what does economic regulation actually mean in practice?
In these articles we set out top tips on these alongside an automated solution to help the housing sector - developed with our partners Rocket Software.
Getting to Grips with Welfare Reform
The bedroom tax, local council tax, abolition of the social fund, and changes to disability benefits are all upon us - with the dawn of direct payments imminent. In these very popular articles and briefings we set out implications and top tips on preparing for and dealing with welfare reform
Some ideas on the Future of Social Housing
With changes not seen in a generation taking place in the sector's operating environment, and daily stories of housing shortages, the need to build and the perils of market rent, in these articles we pose some key questions on the raison d'etre of the sector moving forward.
How can housing organisations achieve the utlimate balance between economy, efficiency and effectiveness and what does economic regulation actually mean in practice?
In these articles we set out top tips on these alongside an automated solution to help the housing sector - developed with our partners Rocket Software.
- Top Tips on the New Value for Money standard
- Walking the Welfare Reform Tightrope
- Delivering Value for Money in social housing
- Five things NOT to include in a Vfm Statment
Getting to Grips with Welfare Reform
The bedroom tax, local council tax, abolition of the social fund, and changes to disability benefits are all upon us - with the dawn of direct payments imminent. In these very popular articles and briefings we set out implications and top tips on preparing for and dealing with welfare reform
- Welfare Reform - a Return to Dickensian Housing?
- The Financial Implications of Welfare Reform
- Welfare Reform - a Critical Friend Review
- Reclassification of properties - the real options
- Modernising your approach to rent collection
- Cound Incentive and Reward Schemes help maximise Income?
- Your Money or Your tenancy - a review of practical options to maximise income at a time when insolvency may be an easier option for tenants
- Universal Credit - a summary of key changes and implications for housing
Some ideas on the Future of Social Housing
With changes not seen in a generation taking place in the sector's operating environment, and daily stories of housing shortages, the need to build and the perils of market rent, in these articles we pose some key questions on the raison d'etre of the sector moving forward.
- Build homes rather than balance sheets - a plea to the sector to stop hiding behind 'risk'
- What the housing sector can learn from the 'Frost Report'
- The Top 3 Social Media Do's and Don'ts
- Eight Habits of Highly Effective Teams
- 15 Habits of Effective leaders