Repairs and maintenance. The biggest area of expenditure for landlords (£1.9bn by #housingassociations in 2013-14), and an emotive subject close to many #socialhousing customer's ( and regulator's) hearts and minds.
All #socialhousing landlords have the same obligations, but HCA Global accounts data reveals that not all have the same efficient approach or deliver the same customer satisfaction outcomes.
Whether via in house or external contractor, the summary attached reveals just how effective some are, the significant room for improvement in others, and no correlation between cost per property and outcomes. Could some spend less and more wisely on routine maintenance to help build more #affordablehomes?
All #socialhousing landlords have the same obligations, but HCA Global accounts data reveals that not all have the same efficient approach or deliver the same customer satisfaction outcomes.
Whether via in house or external contractor, the summary attached reveals just how effective some are, the significant room for improvement in others, and no correlation between cost per property and outcomes. Could some spend less and more wisely on routine maintenance to help build more #affordablehomes?

ha_top_&_bottom_routine_maintenance_costs_per_property.pdf |